

Kajane Mua 這家飯店是位在 Ubud 中心的一家精品別墅。從前年一推出就受到台灣旅客熱烈的歡迎,除了有原本 komaneka 集團的貼心,再加上全新的住宿環境,的確在這兩年的烏布住宿上面引發旋風。

飯店的分類我們是把他分類在『風景明媚』的類別,同時也登上我們公司 TOP 10 的介紹裡面

  Villa 內的浪漫公主床是大家喜歡這家Villa的主要因素



一開始我們用了比較商業也是一般您在市場上面看到的介紹方式在介紹 Kajane 這家飯店,在過去的經驗裡面,您只能夠查詢到他的好,卻鮮少查詢到他的不好。旅遊服務是一種與旅客貼心接觸的一個行業,沒辦法用『 一招半式闖江湖 』的方式在經營的。當 Kajane 遇到我們的旅客抱怨的時候,當下所展現出來的表現,的確爲這家飯店減分不少。

首先我想要讓大家知道我們的旅客大致上為什麼對 Kajane 生氣的來龍去脈。以下轉述自MSN對話紀錄

Villa 的是事情這樣,第一天下午一到Villa baby看到游泳池就迫不及待自己扒光衣服跳進去。我還拉不住她讓她喝了好幾口的水,結果可能是嚇到的關係,在泳池裡ㄣ了臭臭。當時有兩位安排按摩的小姐,以及提行李來的兩位先生,剛提行李進來以及詢問到隔天的早餐要吃什麼之類的。Vivi(導遊)當場就請服務人員趕快處理,當下也答應了會馬上來處理,但是在老公按摩完後,換我按摩時都還不見人影,所以我們就在反映一次,服務人員也都是說 OKOK,但是也都沒有來處理。

第一天燭光晚餐的時候,我們又反映了一次,沒想到服務人員才妙了,居然回答我們『 你們什麼時候要用?現在嗎?』VIVI 在我們住宿的期間都不知道反應過多少次,結果飯店還是一樣不理不睬。後來第二天我們回到Villa的時候,發現更妙的情況,我們的花瓣都已經清理乾淨了,大便居然還在泳池裡面!!!

後來我們反應之後,服務人員居然說泳池已經OK可以游泳了,還說現在就想要跳進去游給我們看呢!!後來ViVi 還用了生氣的語氣並且帶他們去看大便究竟在哪裡,沒想到我們回到Villa一樣還在!!

他們的經理處理的才妙呢,一開始用的理由是人手不夠,後來才又改口。說什麼要我們留下Mail 希望可以對我們做補償,我既然都已經表明不會在來這家Villa住宿了,拿他的禮物做什麼呢 ?? 後面加了一句讓我們更生氣的話:如果我(經理)早知道你們遇到這樣的情況,那我第一天就幫您換房間了!! ㄜ!! 當下我覺得自己跟白痴一樣。

我們這位旅客是在 2/21 入住 Kajane 飯店的一直到 2/23 Check Out ,當然在 2/26 我們上班的當天就跟我們提出這樣的抱怨,希望我們可以重視這樣的問題。當下聽到這樣的抱怨,我也是直覺的認為 Kajane 怎麼會提供這樣服務,除了不可思議,當然我也是認真的思考這樣的問題是不是一直發生。後來我寫信到Kajane 去做質詢,直接表明如果不給一個交代,我們將不再針對 Kajane 作銷售Promo,過了兩天我們終於等到Kajane 的回信。

Dear Mr.Yuan,

Warmest greeting from KAJANE Ubud.

Thank you for your email.First of all, on behalf of all KAJANE managers & staffs, we are deeply apologize for the inconvenience one. I was so surprise to receive your email, forwarded by my staff. Anyway I am deeply appreciate your willing to let us know that it has become inconvenient to Mr.Lee. I have investigated many times to do double check through all of my staffs in KAJANE to get the chronology of the case accurately. To do so I want to clarify  what really happened regarding the pool that make Mr. Lee upset with our service and facility.


1. Mr. Lee, check in at our villa on Feb. 21 and stayed in Toya villa.

2. After around 1 hour Mr. Lee told  our Guest Assistant to clean the pool because his child took an un-proper excrement at the pool (pup at the pool) . One of our Guest Assistant had a look and found that the excrement has already been dissolved into the water. The Guest assistant together with other staff had given the treatment to sterilize
the water through pool maintaining room to do water treatment circulation. Usually after around couple hours the pool is completely has a treatment but it will take time to make the  color of the pool back to normal ( very clear)  because the effect of chemical that being used to clean the pool.We don't use regular treatment for all our pools. But we use an exclusively  one, that is known as less chlorine use. We use salt water pool which is  much more beneficial for the body especially for sensitive skin beside it  is very useful for detoxification too. We use this kind of pool type  because we have to combine with our SPA treatment.As we know, to get more beneficial one in medical aspect we have to take more time and chemical material to maintain this type of pool comparing to regular one.

這段的意思是說,發生了客戶這樣的狀況之後,Villa 依照本身的清潔流程作了處理,但是需要的時間慢慢透過過濾循環以及藥品的處理,可以讓水回覆到原本的品質,並且他們標榜使用鹽水的泳池 ( 可以使皮膚健康 ) 也是需要時間來處理

3.The other condition that increase the time of clearing the water was the rainy days which cause the pH  and other substances of water become unpredictable after any damage of clearness. What we have to do is to neutralize the pH and other water substances to be normal then let the debris to be sedimentation on the floor of the pool. Then we are able to vacum the sedimentation.

這段的意思是說明對 PH 值的重視,但是因為剛好遇到烏布下雨的關係,所以泳池一直沒辦法恢復到原本的水準。

4. On Feb 22, when we did morning cleaning, we did pool cleaning too after they had breakfast ( we didn't want to disturb them while having breakfast). At that time we also put extra treatment with  an expectation it would be very clear fast so Mr. Lee's family would be able to use when they come back.


5. On Feb. 22, in the evening, around 6 PM Mr. Lee complained again to our Room Attendant when they served afternoon tea. Mr. Lee said the pool still dirty. During this conversation definitely our staff and Mr. Lee had
misscomunication  that make Mr. Lee thought that the pool was not treated well to be clear and  still dirty. Our staff  recheck the pool and also tried to explain to Mr. Lee  that the pool can be used if they want to. Mr. Lee said nothing. Our staff thought that Mr. Lee understood.


6. On Feb. 23 morning at 7am, two of our  Managers visited Mr.Lee at his room and said apologize regarding misscomunication and offering something for any inconvenient one (SPA,Candle light  dinner and gift for the kid), but because Mr. Lee should be checked out at 8am, so that we offered complimentary voucher for next visit. They just took the gift. Mr. Lee, hope next time we can give more concern how to give clear information to the guest  and our Operational Manager said Kajane will be more concern and we are  willing to improve our team service. Hopefully when Mr. Lee stay again at our villa we could give better service and facilities.


Finally, we hope "misscomunication" above will not happen again in the future and your support will not over because this case. Your great support to our company will be highly appreciate.


We believe this case is part of our effort and learning process to give totally excellent service.


I would like to ask you whether we can contact directly to Mr. Lee to clarify this case and perhaps we could offer a complimentary one night stay toward Mr. Lee's family in the future to approve our word.


Warm and Regards,

Amy K
Managing Director

後來有段 PS 我沒有貼出來,大意是因為kajane 也是第一次遇到類似的狀況,所以處理的方式上面有經驗不足的感覺,這點對旅客來說真的感到很抱歉;經過這樣的事情,他們將來會針對這樣的問題處理上面會更有經驗,他們也是學到很多。( 這段話應該是寫給我看的 )


想要知道更多關於 Kajane



再處理這個 Case 的時候,讓我真的可以理解到服務的即時以及重要性,我真的對客戶感到抱歉,對不起讓您遇到了這樣的問題,我希望我們的當地服務可以更加即時以及正確的傳遞飯店的訊息給我們的客戶,扮演好中間橋樑的角色。這點我是這樣跟我們的經理互相勉勵。

當然,因為這樣的Case,我希望可以從中間學習到『服務』的精神以及方式,我也希望飯店經理可以學習到這一點並且跟員工分享,我想如果這次到巴里島,我有經過 Kajane 的話,我會再跟飯店經理聊聊。

最後要提到的就是客戶跟我分享的一個重點。他希望飯店不要把台灣人當然只會花錢的笨蛋。老實說這點是讓我後來失眠一夜的原因。我們從很早以前就開始跟客戶分享,如果透過我們大家一點點的付出,我們台灣旅客再巴里島的形象一定會提升的,所以我們開始將原本 『 買兩晚送SPA 』的觀念,漸漸地導正為這是一種『 加值服務 』也就是說我們可能多花一點點錢,但是我們可以享受到超值的飯店享受,例如SPA也好,例如燭光晚餐也好。藉著提升飯店的消費額,讓我們的客戶或者甚至是台灣旅客在飯店的眼中都是好客人,都是受到歡迎跟尊重的。老實說,這種簡單的國民外交,我們的地位在這兩年真的有明顯的提升,飯店也漸漸地認為台灣人是個ㄎㄚ,儘管我們的房價還是全市場最低價的,但是很好了。




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